Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019

Just a couple highlights: 

My nap today was longer than intended hahaha so it's a short email cuz we got to go to the temple and prepare our lesson!! 

At lucy mack i met this cute Spanish family: there was a young man with crutches, and he injured himself from football so I started talking to him about football. Asked him all about it haha. He lit up instantly and as we talked about it somehow we started talking about missions. And him preparing for a mission. It was an amazing conversation. His mom was so funny she wanted to take a picture of my book of mormon cuz she that it was so cute hahaha we took a picture together of us pretending to study it together and she loved it haha 

I got to serve at lyon drug twice this week. I used to not like serving there. But i love it now. I love showing people the gardens. The Lyon drug gardens have become sacred to me. Its interesting to ponder, because The Lord loves gardens too. (Garden of eden, garden of gethsemane, garden by the tomb when he was resurrected, etc.) So I love that place. 

On sunday we were on call, which means we weren't assigned to sites. So we decided to go to carthage. Cuz i miss that place. We got a tour from sister Miskin and Mitchell. It was good. I think the reason it was special was because the whole time i kept redirecting My thoughts and feelings to the Savior. 

The other day we were serving at land and records and i was helping this man and his son. They kept talking to themselves "woah Leslie would love this. Oh gosh Leslie will go crazy over this. I can't wait to show leslie. Etc. Etc." I finally told them that it was weirding me out cuz that's my first name haha we had a good laugh and I loved learning about their family. Before they left they were like
"you made our day" 
"you are like our leslie" 
It was so sweet. 

This week i made a lot a lot of Banana bread haha. My roommates call me an addict for it. But i don't eat it all! I delivered like 5 loaves of banana bread the other day to people. It makes me happy. And makes our house smell good too (; 

We Had dinner with the Tolmans (from el paso) and osmans. It was WAY good. We  talked about finding peace in troubling times. I love those guys. 
Came home to try to do more organizing: 
Started reading my old journals.
I can't believe where I was and how far I've come. I forgot how much I struggled. I forgot how much I grew. I wish I had recorded more of my feelings instead of just events. It just astounds me how as I humbled myself, the Lord was able to mold me and shape me. It all seems so long ago, yet it was yesterday. "Our lives passed by as it were a dream." 
It was pretty sobering to read my journals and realize all of this. And look back on my mission, my memories and my testimony. I'm not sure what to think. I don't want to "wrap up" my mission. I don't want to say goodbye and "move on to the next stage of life." I want to bring my mission with me. I want to keep searching, stretching and striving. I want to look back in 2 years and again think the same thing: wow. Look how much I've changed. Look how much my testimony has grown. 

Well I think those are some of my thoughts this week!

Love you both!!!! Talk to you next week!!! 
Sister Bush 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

September 18, 2019

2 key points from this week were going to the fighting preacher with all the missionaries in our mission! Such a good film. I loved loved loved the woman who acted as Rebecca bean. I thought she was fantastic. Also, the little girl was just perfect. I hope you watch it this week Because it's fantastic! 

The other was that meeting with sister wadley where the Lord gave me the strength to be weak, to be vulnerable in front of people so that they can have their testimonies strengthened. I told the sisters to get rid of their walls, even though it is in front of strangers and guests it is actually in front of our spiritual siblings. And only because of the veil do they feel like strangers. So we should be willing to share our testimonies. And of course not throwing pearls before swine but to at least be open and okay with sharing personal experiences. So that was cool. 

Another thing is that one of my all time favorite senior couples, The Robisons, are leaving! They have been a constant on my whole mission. They were here when I got here, emailed me on outbound and served with me again this summer. I love them. The good news is that they are only 40 minutes from rexburg so they told me they will have me over for dinner and I can help them out on the farm too! Maybe a weekend job haha. That is if I'm not in Utah visiting you guys every weekend hahaha 

A couple days this week ive tried writing Grateful lists! Throughout the day, if I realize I'm grateful for something (like the nice weather, or feeling the spirit in that tour, or that one of the sisters ran to give me a hug, q butterfly landed on my shoulder, ect) just little things I love. I keep track of them and then read it at the end of the day! It helps me realize just how much the Lord blesses me each day with tender mercies and beautiful moments. It also helps me keep a prayer in my heart cuz I'm thinking about things im grateful for all day! 

As for how my companion is doing, this week has been rough.  One night I was praying and we went to the temple and I was just pleading for help and strength and yes sort of complaining to heavenly father about how exhausted I was with her too. But i just was needing assurance and comfort. In the celestial room he answered me in the form of doctrine and covenants 6. 

"Behold, the field is white already to harvest; therefore, whoso desireth to reap, let him thrust in his sickle with his might, and reap while the day lasts, that he may treasure up for his soul everlasting salvation in the kingdom of God.
Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God.
Therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you.
Now, as you have asked, behold, I say unto you, keep my commandments, and seek to bring forth and establish the cause of Zion;
Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be unto you; and if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation (or unto sister Young.)
Behold thou hast a gift, (not a gift of translating but a gift of helping people that struggle with this type of issue.) and blessed art thou because of thy gift. Remember it is sacred and cometh from above—
And if thou wilt inquire, thou shalt know mysteries which are great and marvelous; therefore thou shalt exercise thy gift, that thou mayest find out mysteries, that thou mayest bring many to the knowledge of the truth, yea, convince them of the error of their ways.
 If thou wilt do good, yea, and hold out faithful to the end, thou shalt be saved in the kingdom of God, which is the greatest of all the gifts of God; for there is no gift greater than the gift of salvation.
Verily, verily, I say unto thee, blessed art thou for what thou hast done; for thou hast inquired of me, and behold, as often as thou hast inquired thou hast received instruction of my Spirit. If it had not been so, thou wouldst not have come to the place where thou art at this time. (To receive an answer at the temple)
Behold, thou knowest that thou hast inquired of me and I did enlighten thy mind; and now I tell thee these things that thou mayest know that thou hast been enlightened by the Spirit of truth;
Yea, I tell thee, that thou mayest know that there is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart."

And finally the best part: 

"Behold, thou art Oliver, (sister Bush) and I have spoken unto thee because of thy desires; therefore treasure up these words in thy heart. Be faithful and diligent in keeping the commandments of God, and I will encircle thee in the arms of my love.
Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I am the same that came unto mine own, and mine own received me not. I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not.
Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail.
 Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.
 Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Amen."

I am just so grateful for the temple. I'm grateful for a father in heaven who cares and who is always willing to answer us and comfort us. And that he does it in such a personal way! 

Couple more things: 
We had dinner with  the archies, a super cute temple missionary couple! They made us some BOMB food. Like wow. Like so good i want the recipe so I can share it with you. We also played a game kind of like rummy! It was good stuff. 

Ive crocheted lots of Baby hats this week haha. It's something for my hands to do when my companion wants to talk and I can listen. And make lots of cuteness baby hats haha it's for a humanitarian project that the senior sisters are doing (: I like it! I want to make one for Ainsley but I need her head size haha 

Also yes i loved president nelsons devotional! I got to watch it too! I was at the heber c kimball home so our service was the worst and it kept having difficulties but i loved everything i got to watch and took good notes (: my favorite was when he explained divine law and how he learned how to "turn the heart off" and was like IT ALWAYS WORKS! haha so cool. There was also a YSA devotional with elder Soares and we loved that too. Lots of good questions and testimonies too. My favorite was how he talked about how Christ is our hope. 

We met a family from australia this week that is traveling in the United States and going to all the historic sites. Best part was connecting with their daughter and she told me that because of her experience here she wants to go on a mission! Yes! Lives changed. I love Nauvoo. 

Oh plus also we had a cool experience third week with Teaching the whitings! We did it by the spirit and felt like we should start by singing a primary song: a child's prayer. And then ask them if it brought any experiences or memories to mind. It was super cool! I love how the spirit works with us. 

Anyways that's just about my week (: 

Love you so much! 
Thanks for all your support and prayers and pictures and testimonies and everything. Love you both so much. Can't wait to call in a bit! Less than an hour haha 

Sister Bush

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September 11, 2019

this is going to be a frantic email haha because i have an hour until pday is over.... we spent the rest of the day going around to some shops and i also did some researching on where you can stay. the other one i heard from a senior was fake news because i did all the research and its meant for youth groups and its over 300 dollars haha. 
so the best one in town is the 60 dollars a night at the havenlight gallery apartments. so definitely call scott sumner about it because that is the way to go. and probably call him sooner rather than later, so it can be reserved(: just remember to tell him that you are sister bush's parents haha

as for other things, i already told you about how i'm spending all my time trying to stay dedicated and focused. which is way good. i've had some really awesome study sessions (like the alma 32 revelation one i was talking about) and others. like another cool one i had was reading alma 26 and realizing that i can relate to ammon in such a personal way now. because the way he feels about his mission is exactly the same way that i feel about mine! man i love it. i love the scriptures!!!!! 

a couple favorite experiences from this week:

i was having a lousy day at brigham youngs house. i didn't stay focused very well because there was a mouse that kept bothering us and it was fun to take videos and try to bait it and stuff and before i knew it i had "wasted" good study time on this mouse. and because of that i felt like i had been giving some pretty pathetic tours haha. well, i realized this and began to pray for a better attitude and for at least one more tour to come in so i could have at least one good one. well, this one family showed up and the kids did not want to get out. it was there last stop of the day and they were done haha. you know kids. well the parents asked me to like help encourage them to come by telling them how fun the home is. well, i get up, start talking to them and before i could stop myself i heard myself saying the words "if you can guess the end of one of the stories i tell ill let you touch an artifact" OH NO WHAT HAVE I DONE haha i was shocked it just sorta came out! well that got them in the house. and then i helped them guess the ending. so low and behold they got to touch the chair made by phineas young and mary anns bonnet. boy i hope no one finds out about that..... but ive thought about it and it really doesn't matter. its just an old chair! and because i let it happen, those kids had the best experience ever. they just LOVED it and they actually listened when i bore my testimony too. so it was meant to be i guess! haha 

another one was when i was at the brickyard, ya know, living the life and making bricks hahaha and i get this tour of these 4 adults and they are literally the funniest people i've ever met. we just made fun of each other the whole time! haha it was great. they were older but they acted like they were in their late teens. well at the end it was the best cuz i gave them a brick and the main jokester took a pencil and wrote sister bush on the back. he was like "i want to remember who made this brick." and i was like "awkward cuz i didn't make that one...." and we were all laughing and he was like "WELLLLL close enough" hahaha but it was also kind of tender cuz he's going home with a brick that says sister bush on the back. cute. 

also! with all the time in the temple we spend, we've made quite a few temple missionary friends! the Linsleys invited us over for dinner and it was literally the sweetest ever. they are so cute. he told us a story about them and their family on a boat during a storm and how they were safe because they put their anchors out when it was still calm. he bore his testimony about how we need to put our spiritual anchors out. it was so cute, he got chocked up about it too! aw i just love it. 

i love everything about nauvoo and the people here. i'm really just soaking it up. i only have 1 month left but i know i will enjoy every second of it(: and then ill enjoy every second at home too! because the work wont stop!!! 

love you!!!!! more than you know!!!!! 

sister bush

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 4, 2019

Hey all! 

Things are going great in Nauvoo. Every day is a new adventure with new miracles, funny experiences and life lessons learned! 
A miracle we saw was when we had a day at the visitors center when we had so many people who wanted to know more about what we believe that we almost ran out of copies of the book of mormon! We only had 2 left haha crazy cool. 
Also, best quote of the week goes to sister Young when she threatened me by saying: "I will touch your feet if you call me boo" hahaha 

These past couple weeks I've learned a lot from the Riser family. (I know I've included 2 parts of their story already so if you've read those feel free to skip to part 3.) 

Background info: 
George and Christiana were both originally from Germany but moved to Nauvoo when they were little kids. They met and were married in Ohio. George had a very successful shoe shop there, but upon hearing of the persecution of the members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints, he felt inspired and wanted to know more. So they sold their shoe shop and moved to Nauvoo to see what they could learn!  They wanted to find out why these church members were willing to sacrifice so much. As George and Christiana came to know the restored truths of Christ's gospel, they too chose to make sacrifices...... 


George stares in fixation at a wooden shoe last, concentrating on poking the holes with the awl in the right place. His eyebrows wrinkle as he threads the flax seed string through the holes in the leather. 
Christiana watches him pull out the nails in silence. She's anxious to talk but doesn't want to interrupt his work. 
Finally she can't help herself. 
"Hm?" He's still staring intently, and doesn't look up. 
"I want to discuss something with you." 
He nods, but Christiana knows he isn't listening. 
"Sie da." She speaks German, their native tongue, to signify that she needs his attention. 
George looks up, sets down the shoe last and puts the hammer in his lap. "Ja?" 
"I wish to ask your opinion of the Prophet, the Prophet Joseph Smith and his words this morning." Christiana studies him, her heart pounding. 
George smiles. "I was contemplating the very thing at this very moment!"
Christiana laughs and then leans forward. "And? What are your feelings on the subject?" 
He rests his arm on his work table and runs his hand through his hair. 
"I cannot forget the feeling in my chest as he spoke...... as he explained eternal truths with such simplicity and testified of our Lord Jesus Christ with such surety. I feel as if the aching void in my heart has been filled with His restored gospel." 
Relieved and overjoyed with his response, Christiana jumps up. "I feel the same!" 
They nearly dance around the kitchen, rejoicing. He spins her and they nearly fall over, bumping into his work table. Shoe lasts and nails fall on the floor. Neither of them are bothered, because the feeling in the room and in their hearts is a deep, pure joy. 
George smiles from ear to ear, tears filling his eyes as he tenderly grabs Christianas hands. "I know it's true. We must be baptized." Christiana agrees and they embrace. 

Only hours later, Christiana is awoken in the middle of the night by her baby boy. John. He was sick all day and now he's not only crying but hes struggling to breathe. She scoops him up in her arms and rushes to awake her husband. 
George runs down the stairs and gets a rag wet for the baby's head. He comes back up the stairs and kneels and Christianas side, eyes full of concern. 
A painful hour goes by and George gets up, pacing the room. 
"I cannot bear to see him like this. And he's only getting worse." 
Baby John gasps for air, coughs, and begins to wail again. 
Christianas hands shake as she touches Johns forehead. "Should we call upon brother Joseph?" Her words are barely a whisper. 
George stares into the little candle flame and then back at their son. "He is a man of God. If anyone will know what to do, it will be him." 
He then begins putting on his shoes, coat and scarf. He kisses John Jacobs forehead and squeezes his wife's fingers. 
"I'll be back." 
As the night goes on, and John gets worse and worse, Christiana holds her little son tightly in her arms, listening to his feeble coughs and desperate gasps. A question continues to plaguge her mind. Why? If we are trying to be faithful, why is the Lord letting this happen? 
She rocks her son back and forth, silent tears sliding down her face. 
"Oh God, please heal my son." 



Christiana rocks her precious one year old and begins to sing softly to him. She sings the hymn she heard at church that has come to mind often since she first heard it: 

"The time is far spent; there is little remaining
To publish glad tidings by sea and by land.
Then hasten, ye heralds; go forward proclaiming:
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven’s at hand,
Repent, for the kingdom of heaven’s at hand."

The hymn has new meaning to her now. Christiana feels comforted by the thought that glad tidings are coming her way and that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. 

Soon she hears the door downstairs, and stops singing. It opens and closes, and then the stairs creek as her hsuaband and the others climb up to where she is. First emerges her George, then Elder Orson Hyde, and last of all comes the Prophet Joseph Smith. Holding his hat in his hands, he looks at Christiana and then John. 
"You were right to call upon us, he is gravely ill." 
Joseph touches his fingers to the little boys head, and Orson Hyde does the same. 
"We shall bless him in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." 
Christiana nods, tears filling her eyes. 
Joseph then pronounces a blessing on the boys head, using the power of God given to him to heal in the same way Christ healed when He was on the earth. He speaks with power and authority, boldly declaring that John Jacob would live, and be instantly made whole. The spirit fills the room and Joseph finishes in the name of Jesus Christ. He puts his arm around Orson Hyde as they watch John. Everyone's eyes on the little one, breathlessly waiting to see what he does. John Jacob coughs, gasps for air and then sighs. He eases into his mother's arms and blinks many times until his eyes close and he is breathing softly. 
"I have never seen such a miracle as this." Christiana whispers, in awe. 
Joseph smiles and shakes George's hand. 
"The priesthood power - given to man- is one of Gods holiest gifts. It is meant to bless all His children. Thank you for asking me to come." 
"No, thank you. Thank you." George embraces him. "We were so very worried, but we can now rest." 
"It was my privilege and honor. Let me know how he is in the morn." 
Orson and Joseph leave and head back home. 
George turns to Christiana. "Was that not miraculous?" 
She laughs. "It is remarkable to think I was concerned about death only moments ago, when he is now sleeping soundly and breathing as if he hasn't a care in the world. God be thanked for His prophet." 
"And God be thanked for you my dear, and your beautiful faith. We heard you finish singing a hymn as we entered the house." 
Christiana smiles. "It was how the Lord was comforting me." 
George kisses her forehead. "It was not comforting to you alone, but to me as well. Thank you." 

After this experience, George and Christiana simply cannot wait another day to be baptized. So they choose to cut a hole in the frozen ice of the Mississippi river to do so! It is an expression of their gratitude to the Lord and a desire to join His church. 
As George comes up out of the frigid water, he cuts through the ice, gets on solid ground and embraces his beloved wife as she wraps a blanket around his shoulders. 
"I've n-n-never been ha-happier in my life!" He exclaims, shivering from head to toe. 
Christiana laughs and hurries over to the waters edge for her turn. 
Joseph stands in the frozen river, hugging himself to try to stay warm. She can see his breath in the air. 
That moment, as the icy water climbs up her legs inside her dress, Christiana gasps and takes a step backwards. 
She pauses and says a little prayer in her heart. 
Father, please give me strength
The words of the hymn from the night before re-enter her mind, this time the second verse. 

"Shrink not from your duty, however unpleasant,
But follow the Savior, your pattern and friend.
Our little afflictions, tho painful at present,
Ere long, with the righteous, in glory will end,
Ere long, with the righteous, in glory will end." 

Christiana smiles and wades even deeper, pushing forward into the freezing water. 
Im doing this for you God. Thank you. 



4 and a half months later: May 1843 

Christiana and George Riser sit at their small kitchen table in silence. He stares out the window and she can only bare to look at the wooden floorboards. Quite opposite of her baptism day, she feels very disconnected from God. And the worst part is, she doesn't want to bridge the gap. 
Finally, George sighs. "I'm going to bed. Maybe through sleep I can escape the pain." 
"You know it will only be worse when you wake up.... Like this morning." Christiana reminds him. 
It hurts her to think of the heart wrenching experience they had when they woke up that morning, when they realized that their son was still gone. John Jacob, the joy of their lives had gotten sick again in April. This time when the Prophet Joseph Smith came to bless him, he didn't feel inspired to promise life and healing but instead a blessing of comfort and peace. It wasn't long after that blessing took place that her little John took his last breath. 
Christianas grief is so deep, she feels physically sick to her stomach and it aches to move. 
George nods. "I know.... I just need to lie down." He takes her hand and squeezes it before disappearing upstairs. 
Christiana, now left to her own thoughts and feelings, puts her forehead down on the table. She feels an inner tug to talk to God but she doesn't want to. She's too upset. 
She begins to have an argument with herself: 
Trust in God. You promised to when you got baptized. 
That was back when I believed in a God who loved me. 
He does love you. Reach out to Him. 
I don't want Him to comfort me. I want my son back. 
Angry tears sting in her eyes. 
Why didn't God heal my John like before? I have even stronger faith than I did the first time! Does He not care? 
After struggling with these questions and no answers for a long couple hours, Christiana decides to go to sleep as well. She finds her husband crying softly into his pillow and her heart shatters. 
Dear God, give us the strength to carry on. 

The next morning is Sunday and the first miracle of the day, the first answer to her prayer, is that Christiana actually has the desire to go to church. She wants to listen to the Prophet teach about Christ - which is a big change from the night before. She still doesn't feel like opening up to God about her feelings and asking for help but she knows she will feel better if they at least go. George agrees with her and so they get ready for the day, hastily eat breakfast and walk to the grove of trees where Joseph usually preaches. 
As they arrive, the saints welcome them with open arms. Christiana is hugged more times than she can count, and personally greeted by nearly all the sisters. 
They sing an opening hymn about faith in God, someone prays fervently for the spirit of the Lord to enlighten them and then Joseph Smith stands up to speak to them. 
"Brothers and Sisters. What are we to do when hard times befall us? When trials and tribulations surround us? Will our hearts become hardened and our faith faded?" He looks around at everyone in the congration. 
"Our Heavenly Father never turns His back on us, nor should we turn our back on Him." 
Christiana feels his words pierce her and knows that this is meant for her. 
Joseph continues: "The power of the Gospel will enable us to stand and bear with patience the great affliction that is falling upon us on all sides. The harder the persecution the greater the gifts of God upon his church. Yea, all things shall work together for good to them who are willing to lay down their lives for Christ’s sake. All difficulties which might and would cross our way must be surmounted. Though the soul be tried, the heart faint, and the hands hang down, we must not retrace our steps; there must be decision of character.”
Joseph pauses, and Christiana feels the weight of his words. 
A decision of character. Like the decision I made at baptism, I must renew my commitment to God. Even though this is a hard path in which to travel, I must show Him I am willing
Joseph raises his hand to emphasize what he next says. “Having confidence in the power, wisdom, and love of God, the Saints have been enabled to go forward through the most adverse circumstances, and frequently, when to all human appearances, nothing but death presented itself, and destruction [seemed] inevitable, has the power of God been manifest, His glory revealed, and deliverance effected; and the Saints, like the children of Israel, who came out of the land of Egypt, and through the Red Sea, have sung an anthem of praise to his holy name.”
The spirit overwhelms Christiana with an electrifying feeling as the Prophet now testifies boldly:
“Stand fast, ye Saints of God, hold on a little while longer, and the storm of life will be past, and you will be rewarded by that God whose servants you are, and who will duly appreciate all your toils and afflictions for Christ’s sake and the Gospel’s. Your names will be handed down to posterity as Saints of God. In Jesus' name, even the Only Begotten of the Father, amen." 
Christiana bows her head and looks at her hands, deeply touched. She continues to feel the spirit as other speakers offer their remarks. 
When the closing hymn is announced, Christiana's heart skips a beat. A warm feeling, similar to the one of her baptism day, gently settles and rests in her heart. Everyone begins to sing the words that are so familiar to her: the words she once sang to her infant son John. The words that came to her mind at the waters edge on her baptism day. And now the words of the 3rd and 4th hymn ring true, with new meaning to her during this trial her family is now experiencing: 

"What, tho, if the favor of Ahman possessing,
This world’s bitter hate you are called to endure?
The angels are waiting to crown you with blessings!
Go forward, be faithful, the promise is sure.
Go forward, be faithful, the promise is sure."

George, sensing her feelings and having a spiritual experience of his own, puts his arm around her as they sing the last verse. 

"Be fixed in your purpose, for Satan will try you;
The weight of your calling he perfectly knows.
Your path may be thorny, but Jesus is nigh you;
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose.
His arm is sufficient, tho demons oppose."

By the time the song ends, Christiana is in tears. She feels as though she has been wrapped in the Saviors strong, loving arms. 
She then imagines those same arms around her little son John. 
She bows her head in the most humble, sincere prayer she has ever given.
My dear Father, I'm sorry for my hardened heart. I am wading in the depths of sorrow, and in need of much comfort. Please soften my pain and heal my soul. I thank Thee for Thy merciful plan of redemption, and for the atoning sacrifice and ressurection of Thy Son. I am grateful that my little boy John is now safe in His embrace. I renew my covenant with Thee to give my all for Thee and Thy gospel. My inmost desire is to share an eternal union with my family, and i am willing to endure any hardship to be blessed with such a glorious blessing. Oh Father, I now put my troubled heart at your feet. I will ever be faithful to Thee.


Now, I'm not sure what sort of prayers Christiana actually offered or how she was comforted, but I do know that her comfort came from the Prince of Peace, even Jesus Christ. He is the source of all peace, comfort and healing. Because of Him, Christiana was able to bear the weight of her son's death and look forward with faith in Christ's ressurection and the joy of eternal families. I know for a fact that she remained faithful during her life of trials! She and her dilligent husband continued to press forward and firmly kept the covenants that they had made. Christiana is a great example to me, even though I may not know all the true details of her story!!! 

I thought it fitting to finish my historical fiction for the Riser family and write about the ways they may have strengthened their faith in the Savior because just recently my family has also experienced loss. Just like Christiana, my family sometimes feels that we are wading in deep sorrow. But I bare my sure witness to you that our Father in Heaven loves us. He has a plan that enables families to be together forever. Central to that plan is our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I know that He lives! I know that He understands us perfectly and will "encircle us in the arms of His love." And this knowledge brings me comfort and joy! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thanks for reading! 

Do something this week to strengthen your own faith in Christ! As you strengthen your faith in Him, He will give you the power to meet life's challenges. 

Sister Bush