Monday, May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018

Open your mouth and it shall be filled... with bugs.

For reals. there are so many bugs here. so i think ill just have to bite the bullet and smell like bug spray all the time. thats pretty attractive right? haha

haha anyways, things are going well in Nauvoo! We got our bikes and took a lovely tour of parts of the town with President Lusvardi. (dont worry, i only fell off my bike like once.) the Mississippi river is so beautiful! and im starting to feel the spirit of Nauvoo that everyone talks about. 

my companions and i are getting a long even better now, and have had some fun experiences this week! (getting locked out of our house, testifying to an old couple about the gospel, pigging out on cookies and jamming out to music in the car to name a few!) 

cool fact: my group of missionaries are lucky ducks. because we got to go to the top of the temple, where the bell tower is. i felt the sacredness of the temple up there, especially when we all sang I love to see the temple. i really do love to see the temple. I know with all my heart that it is the house of God. something i love about the temples are that they all say "Holiness to the Lord, the House of the Lord." i love that it says holiness TO the Lord. it reminds us that to enter into the Lords house, we must be holy. it is also a reminder to be humble. every righteous thing we do, every holy feeling we experience in this life is possible because of our Lord Jesus Christ. we must remember to give that holiness back to Him by serving Him. one of the best places to serve Him is in the temple! it all comes back to the temple. the temple is so sacred and i love going there. i encourage you to go visit a temple. either on the outside or going in if you can. it is truly beautiful and helps everyone come closer to God in a sacred special way. Oh how i love to see the temple. especially the Nauvoo temple(:

I am so thankful for you! your examples and support mean the world to me. i am a better person because of you and who you are by just being you. so thank you and i hope you have a great week! 

Sister Bush


  1. The Nauvoo Temple is so gorgeous! I love that they wanted to make it authentic to the period. How lucky you were to get that special (not open to the public) tour. I found a quote I wanted to share with you - 'The discouraging idea that a mistake (or even a series of them) makes it everlastingly too late, does not come from the Lord. He has said that if we repent, not only will He forgive us our transgressions, but he will forget them and remember our sins no more, ....Repentance is like soap; it can wash sin away. Ground-in dirt may take the strong detergent of discipline to get the stains out, but out them will come." Elder Boyd K. Packer Ensign, May 1989
    That is comforting and gives me hope.

  2. PS Oh, we were there one year when the Mayflies were in full force. It was actually something you had to see to believe.
