Sorry for all the typos I was working fast haha
People keep asking if i got to see Elder Cook lol. Oh boy did i!! So on Sunday we had to leave church early (my comp and i) and go to our site. They asked us to be videoed by the people that make the World Report!! So look out for me at conference haha. I was already anxious about that, so yep. Sister Swaney and I planned out the whole entire tour to be perfect. We practiced for like an hour! I had a joke planned and we had decided who would do what And everything. And then all these cars showed up. And then all the sudden my mission president is knocking on the door and says "hey just give them a tour of the gardens! You'll do great!"
In my head I'm going oh shoot I know nothing about the gardens. It isn't in our site guide! So we walk outside like what? And then Elder Cook and his wife are there! Walking up to us!! He shook our hands, said our names, asked where they are from and yeah! They were both so sweet. The way that they both smiled at me i could just tell that they really cared about us. And so we gave them a tour, showed them around, and it was just amazing!!! They loved looking at the flowers, the butterflies, peppers, and especially the gourds! They were so cool! AND THEN we got to be at the face to face that night, shake their hands again, and then the next morning we had a mission training with the Cooks and got to shake their hands again!! So wow!! It was such a cool experience. I'm so blessed!!
The face to face was awesome. My biggest take away was that the Church and our history can withstand scrutiny. Everything has been led by God. The saints weren't perfect but this church is! And the more we take the time to research the history and get to know the early members of the church, we can more fully understand our Savior who is the same yesterday today and forever.
I also loved how they talked about how the past is a foreign country! Cuz it really is. So I have been called foreign, there are so many things I'm learning and having to adjust to. (I can't imagine how hard it is for sister Yamamoto hahaha)
The mission training with the Cooks was amazing. First of all he gave a very inspired message to us missionaries that was needed in this mission. A lot of people here have issues and concerns and trials associated with home and family. And he promised us that everyone we love will be blessed for our service, and all the concerns we have about home will be taken care of. And I thought of you dad, and your practice. The spirit spoke to me and testified that one of the reasons your practice will work out is because of my service here. An apostle promised that. So I know it will work out! Also, I put your name on the Nauvoo temple prayer roll. So it'll stay there until the temple closes for matinence(:
More holiness give me! I did a lot of pondering about this hymn and seeing what those words meant to me. So the song I sent was kinda the crowning thing I learned about what those words meant to me. So thank you mom so much for giving me that idea! It's really helped me these past couple days to feel the spirit. Im sorry you've been sick with migraines!! Just know you are awesome even when you are sick. You still do such amazing things just by being yourself!! Love you so much.
This week I served in the cultural hall for the first time and that was neat.
I felt impressed to Call Heidi, and i found out that that day the doctors said that she decided that her daughter probably has cancer. But Heidi had a response similar to jobs: "till I die I will not remove my integrity from me" which is awesome. She is pressing forward! And can use prayers still.
Sister Moss has been struggling a little bit too. We haven't really gotten to talk cuz of how busy we've been (sites, teaching appointments, meetings galore!)
This week I also served in the Family living center! I enjoyed making bread again, and also learned a new skill of weaving! So I'm going to weave a bag for myself the next time I serve there:D
We taught three lessons since sunday, to the seniors so we can practice and also uplift them. Weve had some awesome experiences with that.
Sometimes sis swaney and i have a Difference of opinions, but other than that I think we've achieved a pretty good unity in our companionship. And the differences aren't huge or anything, for example she made a goal of running for 30 minutes every day on the treadmill and it interfered with the singing practice for the sisters (We have a Sunday concert) and my opinion was oh well, just stay sing and support and her opinion was I need to stick with my goal and be consistant. Both good things and not a huge deal but every once and awhile we don't see eye to eye. That's okay tho! We are working on it haha.
We also served at the Bakery this week and I loooove telling lucius Scovils story. He is inspiring.
So! I apoligize for the pday switch. Agaib. Sister Swaneys grandparents decided to surprise her and come visit! They just showed up at the bakery yesterday so sis Swaney got permission to switch pdays with another companionship so that we can spend time with her grandma and grandpa. She gave them a tour of Carthage after serving at the sites yesterday and then they took us to dinner at el Camino real. Then because it's our pday we did a session at the temple with them and did some gift shopping and then lunch together. Then My comp and i went to the grocery store while they toured a little bit of Nauvoo and we will get together to tour with them a bit more before our pday ends. Then tomorrow her grandparents will leave and we will go back to normal missionary life!
It's so weird when family visits, but it's also an amazing experience you can't get in any other way or any other place. President always talks about how much of a blessing it can be to see your missionary being a missionary. Because you sorta see it from emails and you receive blessings from their service, but when you come to Nauvoo to visit you have the unique opportunity to not only be served by them but see how they serve others. And that is just so cool. I hope that I get a chance to show some family what I do here either before outbound or next spring, summer or fall. Because it is way cool. And it's not as much of a distraction as I expected haha. So that's cool. I'm just supporting sis Swaney so she can spend time with her grandma and grandpa and have that cool experience.
Sorry my email is shorter today. It's cuz we've been touring a lot with her grandparents. Good news is, my pday is changing to Monday (hahahahaha I know) so it should stay Monday the rest of this month. Should. Who knows.
I love the temple!!! I got to go one last time today before it closes. We did a session this morning and I saw a film I've never seen! Finally haha I've seen all of them now I think. But I went in fasting and praying for an answer and it was amazing. Super eye opening and a blessing to receive answers in the celestial room. This temple is becoming very special to me. I've had so many wonderful experiences there.
Sorry I typed this up all day and I just finally got wifi. Love you both so much
Sister Bush
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