Monday, June 3, 2019

June 3, 2019

This week..... 

When we found out about transfers, some of the sisters were super stressed and worried. I didn't have a lot I could do, but what I did was I went around to different apartments and I made beds. Hahaha it sounds dumb. But all the new sisters would need their new sheets, pillows and blankets on their beds! So I did those. And then I did past companions beds because they were all trying to unpack and stuff. I was proud of my bed making because I made a lot of "picture perfect" beds haha. Sister Moss was laughing at my bed making skills because I never even make my own bed but when needed I can make other beds perfectly haha. So that was fun, and even though it was small, it was a way to serve. 

Saying goodbye to sis john was hard but I'm also super proud of her. It was a great moment for me as I watched her step up to her responsibility! She welcomed her new greenie and began to give tours by herself (when needed) without being stressed. I was so proud!! She's going to do great things(: love her so much. 

Im also super super super excited to be with Sister pancheri. She's literally a super star. I don't know if I've ever met a greenie with more fire! All the sisters I've trained have had their insecurities and fears and of course so does sister pancheri. But our first night together, at 930pm when it was time to go to bed she instead asked if we could do a companion study. She just wants to learn as much as she can, grow as much as she can and serve the best she can. I can tell that to her, even at night and when she's "off duty" she still knows that she's a missionary and acts like it. Some missionaries get home after knocking doors all day and seem to forget the importance of their call cuz it's "relaxing time" but not sister pancheri. Especially in between tours or after we finish our responsibilities for the day. She keeps working, learning and being a great example to those around her. I love that about her. And she's also flipping hilarious so it's always a good time. 

The Flooding here has been insane!!! The missisipi flooded up almost to the memorial statue of the saints who died as they crossed the plains. It's crazy. A lot of towns we can't travel to today because of the flooding. Speaking of the flooding, president Lusvardi did an awesome training that was matchy matchy about it and I was so happy haha. 
He used Ezekiel 47 to teach us about immersing ourselves in God's love like a river, and then inviting our guests into the water with us. One quote I liked was when he said "we don't want our guests to have an ankle deep experience." We want our guests to be fully immersed in God's love! It was awesome, and gave us lots to ponder with the flooding (: 

He also gave us another training later in the week about recipes. He was teaching us that when we tell stories, we are painting a picture for people to imagine. Those are like the pictures in cookbooks. It helps give them a desire to act, change and follow the recipe. So we tell them the story, and then testify to help them know how to get the same result. And so it inspires them. Our site guide and the history facts are the ingredients, and with preach my gospel we can show them the recipe. It was an awesome analogy!! I loved it. 1) cuz I love food 2) cuz I love Nauvoo 3) cuz it's awesome to see how we help people have a desire to change. 

We had a wasp adventure at the post office, they were making a nest outside the front door and we attacked it with a broom handle, knocked the nest off but then needed to wait for the bug spray to kill the actual wasps haha. Sis John was terrified, especially when the wasp flew inside!!!! 

Trail of hope. Boy I think it's better this year than last year. We have a fantastic Brigham young and some of the ypms are really putting their individual testimonies in their performances. I love it. The spirit was so strong and I'm gonna go at least once a week!! 

2 of the sisters here have gotten their dresses caught in the chains of their bikes while they were riding to sites this week! So crazy! It makes me worried about my dress.... 

Okay so also it was such a tender mercy that you guys sent me that journal because first off it is the cutest ever and second it came on a hard day and third it was perfect timing cuz I was about to run out of space. So thanks for supporting me with that little journal, it means the world to me!!! 

I served at the brickyard for the first time and i thought it was so cool. I loved talking about the physical build up of Zion and the spiritual build up!! Good stuff. 

Also I was praying about 3 very specific things and fasting while I prayed about it and during the sacrament, God answered all 3. The sacrament hymn had a comforting phrase  for each of those concerns. It was such a tender yet powerful moment when I realized just how much He knows me, He cares about me and is understanding of my worries. He is so infinitely good to me. 

On Sunday we had dinner at the Draneys and they were so cute!!! They made us some super good homemade bread that tasted like sabotage bread a little haha 
Plus also we had a great discussion about Nauvoo and our responsibility as missionaries here. 

Plus also we have some church history people in town and they are going to help us with our vignette and I'm excited to learn and get better at being christiana. Plus also! I'm joining the group of sisters that does Women of Nauvoo. It's a 10 minute group vignette about relief society and at first I wasn't interested but then I decided I should use my talents and be a part of it. It's a fun and cool way of testifying of the saints and helping put our audience in their shoes!! 

Ps sister Green and I did a clothing swap so I have a bunch of cute new dresses and I love it cuz it didn't even cost money! Hahaha 

Anyways I love you both so much! I can't believe you be had such a crazy week haha but I'll talk to you soon.

Sister Bush 

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