Note: Sister Bush's pday was changed to Saturday, so we had a long time between pday emails!

HEY everyone!!
I apologize that it has been so long since I've sent out an email....
Nauvoo is up and kicking! The core cast for pageant has been practicing, the bagpipes have arrived and the chiggers are waking up.
Just to give you perspective of how quickly this place is becoming popular, we had over 4,000 people visit the bakery in May and in June we were way over 8,000. It will just get busier!!! Who knows what the numbers will be for July hahaha. I love meeting so many people every day, I love the way the Savior blesses me with His love for each person or family that comes to my assigned site (:
Also I have a new companion! Sister Decker is literally the best. She even makes me macaroni and cheese sometimes, how did I get so lucky?? Haha we have so many good laughs, as well as see miracles every day. God definitely knew I would need her this summer
One awesome experience I had was when we met a young man who was on leave from his mission because of a hand injury. He couldn't go back until he was better, and I could tell he was struggling. The spirit inspired sister Decker and I to talk about Carthage jail and how it is a place of revelation. It was amazing and I knew it was an answer to his prayers. I'm sure his experience at Carthage the next day was life changing. I love being an instrument for God.
Anyways, I also wrote more historical fiction for Nauvoo! This true story is about Phebe Woodruff, a spiritual giant who took care of her family while her husband served missions.....
JULY 18, 1840
Phebe Woodruff walks down the east side of main street, towards a stone house. She's holding a letter tightly in her hands. Just hours ago, with her best penmsnship she wrote to her beloved husband to tell him the things closest to her heart.
The post office, which operates out of Sidney Rigdons kitchen, seems quiet. Phebe knocks on the front door and George Robinson answers. George is Sidney's son in law and the newly appointed post master in Nauvoo. He welcomes her with a soft smile and notices the paper she has in her hands.
"Come in."
He doesn't ask any questions about the letter or even ask how her week has been, but he watches her with concern in his eyes.
Im sure he knows.
Word travels fast in Nauvoo, especially news of loss. Just the day before, Phebe had said goodbye to her little 2 year old daughter, Sarah Emma. Sarah Emma was such a bright, happy girl, it was so hard to see her as ill as she was. It was even harder for Phebe to lay her to rest, knowing she would never hold her again in this life. And now, Phebe has to inform her husband, who is hundreds of miles away, that their daughter is gone.
I wish I could tell him face to face, I wish it was not by letter.
George leaves the room, probably getting the sealing wax.
Phebe stands by the sorting box and opens her carefully folded paper to read over her words about Sarah's passing one more time.
"Yesterday I was called to witness the departure of our little Sarah Emma from this world- yes she is gone- the relentless hand of death has snatched her from my embrace. When looking on her I have often thought how I should feel to part with her. I thought I could not live without her especially in the absence of my companion-" Phebe's vision blurs as tears fill her eyes. She takes a deep breath, uses a handkerchief and continues reading.
"but she is gone, the Lord has taken her to himself for some wise purpose."
Phebe feels the gloom of this news settle over her, imagining how it will affect her beloved. Even though she has walked all the way to the post office and is now standing in front of the box, she is still unsure how to finish the letter. Words fail to describe the brokenness of her heart and how she longs for Wilford to be with her.
All these feelings begin to overwhelm her and she begins to cry. George Robinson comes around the corner with an ink and quil, notices the tears and quietly hands her a handkerchief.
"Please, sit down."
He motions to a rocking chair by the fireplace.
She nods and sits in the chair, sobbing at this point.
George waits in silence for a moment as Phebe weeps. After a moment, he touches her shoulder lightly.
"I know not how to comfort you at this time. But I, and many people in this town are praying that the spirit of the Lord will attend you. And that He will bring peace to Wilford as well."
"Thank you. Thank God for you." Phebe wipes her eyes, tears still sliding down her cheeks.
"I know the letter writing must be difficult." George gestures to the ink he just brought into the room." You may use my quil if you desire, and if you need me I will be in my study. But I wish to give you your privacy."
"You are too kind."
"I only wish to serve." George nods at her and leaves her alone in the room.
Phebe looks at her letter on the counter by the sorting box, and the ink beside it.
Oh my Father, what will I tell Wilford? How can I comfort him, when I am still suffering?
Suddenly, Phebe realizes the biggest reason why she broke down in tears, and her prayer becomes more sincere as she asks the questions that have been in her heart.
Why can I not feel Thy spirit comforting me? Why am I still in anguish? Wilford is so very far away and this burden is hard to bear alone. Dear Father, I need to feel Thy grace. Please help me to feel Thy love.
In this moment, the pure love of Christ gently wraps around her. Her mind is filled with memories from these past couple days. Vilate Kimball showing up on her doorstep to care for her sick little girl so she could get some rest. Patty Sessions coming to dress Sarah Emma for burial so that Phebe wouldn't have to. Mary Ann Young putting her arms around her and holding her tightly during the funeral service. Hyrum Smith saying a prayer over the grave and offering to give her a blessing of comfort. Leonora Taylor offering to watch Wilford Jr so that Phebe could rest and write her letter. George Robison offering his handkerchief and kind words. And many many other people just like them.
The spirit then whispers words from the bible in her mind: "lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world."
A sweet peaceful feeling enters into her heart and she knows that the Savior understands her. His infinite love calms her troubled mind and soothes her hidden wounds.
Because of Christ, I will have my little Sarah Emma again.
Gratitude for the Savior and Redeemer of the world swells inside her and she walks over to her unfinished letter on the counter. Taking the quil in her hand she adds an extra line on the bottom of the page.
"It is a severe trial for me to pass through particularly so in your absence but the Lord has stood by me in a wonderfully manner."
After writing this she barely has space to sign her name.
She folds it up and gently touches her lips to the paper.
I love you Wilford. The Lord will not leave you comfortless. I trust you into His care.
********Part 2 will come when Wilford receives the letter*********
Thanks for reading! I hope this story reminded you to look for the Lord's hand in your life when you go through hard things. Often He answers our prayers through other people. Just like how I got to help that young man, there are other people out there who God will use to lighten your load and answer your prayers. Always remember that He loves you!!!!
Yours truly,
Sister Bush
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