Thursday, August 29, 2019

August 29, 2019


Insights from the meeting with president lusvardi: 
He talked to us about "our next transfer" meaning our transfer home. Here's of his quotes: 

"When you want to be somewhere, and you are really there, you can make a difference there. You aren't home yet. You are here. So BE HERE." 

"Work right through to the very end. Get every minute from it. Enjoy every ounce of it." 

"These are your people forever. You may not know their names or remember all of them, but they are yours. Nauvoo is always yours." 

"This is not a common mission experience. You've been prepared for won't great things ahead. You will have rough patches. Your mission experience will carry you through them. Sister Lusvardi and I are not going to fade away after this. We've got more to do. The Lord is not done with us. It is the same with you. You have service yet to come.
Stand forever. Don't worry. Let not your heart be troubled or afraid. The Lord has prepared you for greatness. This is his work. You know it and I know it. And we are still in it. Make every second count. In the name of Jesus Christ amen." 

This week I served at the cultural hall, bakery, the visitors center, the streets of kuekuk, home, the wagon, land and records and facilities management! Such a variety of places, and a variety of people so I've had a variety of experiences! Let me tell you about a few: 

I met a 45 year old lady with special needs at the cultural hall! She was the cutest. She was on an outing with her social group. We talked about music and she told me she had a great singing voice, so I said I would love to hear it. She then sang amazing Grace for me. (All of her friends plugged their ears or left the building hahaha) but it was sweet because to me it wasn't the quality of her singing or voice - but rather the sincerity in her heart. In that way, it was one of the most beautiful singing I've ever heard. 

In the bakery I met a young mother and her new child of 10 months! We talked about the blessings of the temple and I felt inspired to ask a question. This led to her telling me she didn't feel like she got to the temple enough and I was able to tell her that she could still have the strength and power from the covenants, even if she wasn't able to go often. Some of the saints only went once in their lifetime! But it was their attitude to their covenants that gave them strength. So it was cool to be able to tell her that. 

Outbound workshop: Virginia Rose and don Eckers - I told you about them during our call.  The ones in keukuk that were like: wait. You believe in Jesus christ? And I was like YES! Haha 

Also! I joined the ward mission Choir! Finally! I've always wanted to, but none of my comps have been interested because it's so early haha but sister young said she would do it! 
Best part: the choir sang that day the song I need thee every hour. It was so good. 
Speaking of music and songs, I'm writing a song for Nauvoo. I've got the melody and the words and I can sing it but I'm going to get some other missionaries to help me come up with 

On the wagon i felt very prompted to talk about Gods love. Since that is what i has been studying i used a scripture from the book of mormon about being filled with gods love and testified that is how the saints got through hard times. This guy, i dont even know his name, but as i bore my testimony he was just so engaged and smiling a lot and at the end he was just like "thank you so much." I don't know what he needed but i'm glad the spirit was able to work through me! 

Me to this 5 year old girl: why are you so cute? Can you tell me your secret? What is your secret for being so cute? 
Little girl: well, it's my curly hair 
I died from her ADORABLENESS haha 
We played with toys at land and records while her parents did family history. She loved it so much she said she didn't want to leave! Aw! 

We got to do some fun weeding at Facilities management the other day! We had a jungle of weeds that we attacked with our clippers and knives and gloves. It was actually the best because as we weeded to make Nauvoo beautiful we talked with these senior sisters about life and about Gods tender mercies. I know for a fact that without the facilities management missionaries, Nauvoo would not be nearly as spiritually powerful as it is.  Also we found some way weird (but also cute) caterpillars haha 

That's about my week! Seems short. Weird. 
I also told you about how the spirit guides me to talk to my companion about things, what I learned from Zeniff and his people, why Isaiah used the word travail, what it really means to know christ and not just have a testimony of his existence and also how I'm trying to be extra consecrated these last 6ish weeks! 

You guys are the best! I love you! Have a stellar week! 

Love love love love love 
Sister Bush 

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