Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019


site: family living center 
the sites were pretty slow so the teamsters invited us to take a ride on the wagon!
a little girl, about 10 yrs old sat next to me. she had told us she wanted to serve a mission and was praying she would come serve in nauvoo haha so cute. on the wagon i would point out things that arent usually part of the tour like the baby oxen or other things. eventually the wagon teamster was talking about the temple and how the saints had to leave it. this little girl turned to me and whispered quietly, "why did they leave?" it was so sincere and innocent! i explained to her about the persecution and how god had a plan for them and they had faith in Him. a sweet moment. 
that night we also had a training with president. once again he climbed on something haha. funniest part was that it wobbled under him and sister lusvardi was like "dearest!" haha it was so cute! 

site:facilities management! 
so this summer one of our site rotations will be working in FM. facilities management takes care of the historical sites, the grounds, the old homes and other things like that. so when we served there for the day we got to work in the greenhouse! we planted seedlings and little baby flowers. it was so cute i never thought i would have cuteness aggression for a plant but i did that day hahaha it was lots of fun too! we sang to the plants as we re-planted and re-potted them. the quote on the title of my email came from working in fm. i asked richard what we should do with the dirt and he immediately responded, "we dont say the D word here.... its soil." haha we had quite a laugh over that. there are so many cool plants here! so it was an awesome day. 
that night when i was studying in the book of mormon i discovered once again why pres mcmurray would always call it the handbook for repentance! 
Jacob 2:11 gives us the steps for repentance. and we grow up learning the steps but it was cool to read them in this way. 
it says: "o my brethren, hearken unto my words; arouse the faculties of your souls; shake yourselves that ye may awake from the slumber of death; and loose yourselves from the pains of hell that ye may not become angels to the devil, to be cast into that lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death." 
okay so i broke it down as follows:
hearken = listen to Christs words, have faith 
arouse the faculties of your soul = realize what you have done wrong, have a desire to change
shake yourselves = be humble, ask for forgiveness 
awake from the slumber = make it right 
loose yourselves from the pains = forsake your sins, never do it again, forgive yourself and trust in the Lord. 
i hope that makes sense because it does to me! i love learning about repentance in new ways (since we are supposed to repent everyday!) let me know what you think. 

site:print shop!
we had a young nonmember couple come in to the print shop and they were so cute! they kept describing nauvoo with words like "important" "feels special" "noticed a different vibe when we came into town" "think it is so cool" i loved seeing their reactions to things! 
we had a good comp study that day too, we studied how christ is the tree of life. (cuz my comp is speaking in church on easter sunday so we were brainstorming it was way nice) 

site: Brigham young home! 
what a day. on our call ill explain how i got to give a tour to bishop waddell and how cool it was!!! also he gave us a bom training on the priesthood and priesthood keys. wow. 
definitely my TOP highlight of the week!!!!! 

site: print shop and post office.... we were only assigned to the print shop but no one was at the post office so we double dutied it for a bit and so yeah haha that was crazy too 
i studied pmg chapter 4 all day and how to receive revelation. weve been talking a lot lately on how important it is to receive revelation for our guests and use the spirit in our tours. so ive been studying it earnestly. ive felt a great desire and push from the spirit to become more in tune so that when the summer craziness gets here and we are running around like crazy i will have already attuned myself to his voice and be ready to listen to the promptings he gives. because right now the crowds aren't too bad (we gave like 20 tours yesterday) so its the perfect time to use that quiet time and the slower tours to practice following the spirit more. thats one thing i want to be different about my tours this summer compared to last. of course i tried to listen to the spirit last summer but this summer i want the spirit to guide my tours more and rely on the spirit even more. so since you asked what you can pray for, you can pray for the guests that come into our sites that day that their hearts will be prepared and pray for me and my companion to be guided by the spirit to know what stories to share and testimonies to give. so that we can make the tours more personal. because that is my main goal right now 
Also we got to eat dinner with a senior couple that night! the Nashs. they are so cute. it felt like family talking to them and also they gave us a 2 person crockpot to borrow for the summer so send me all the crockpot recipes for dinners! cuz it is perfect for pageant season when we will be at the sites all day and have 30 minutes for dinner before going on to pageant grounds. if i can just make something in the morning before we go and its ready for us when we get home, that would be amazing. the only recipes i have are the chicken bacon che and the pesto lasagna so let me know other good ones i can use!!!!! 

site: bakery
conversation w elder dallon (a cute service elder who comes to the bakery almost every day) 
elder dallon: i dont come to the bakery for a cookie. i come because i feel a connection to lucius scovil. he loves temples and i love temples." 
me: "what is it that you love about the temple the most?"
elder dallon: "the peace. its a place i can go in a hard time." 
aw! i love people so much. 
also we had a district game night: this time we played..... the thimble game! hahaha we have so much fun with these family games you have to send me a list of our favorite family games so that we can keep playing these fun ones haha everyone loves them. 

night time activities we do:
meetings with president
song practice 
district council
guitar hymns to feel the spirit
game nights
and soon.... cleaning the temple!!!! im beyond excited about that. yay! 

okay love you so much and ill talk to you soon!!!! 

sis Bush

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